Ellie's Community - Our Purpose
Ellie’s Community has a Mission.
Helping those who have experienced betrayal or harm from others, trauma or abuse to regain confidence, learn to live again and discover the powerful, confident woman within themselves. Helping you to live a life you love on your terms. We also help to alleviate the poverty which often comes from life’s experiences.
Life is a journey with many green valleys, and many mountains to climb. Sometimes it can be really hard without help to find our way. This is our purpose – to support, guide, inform and help you change your life. We also know that the experiences faced often result in or are built on poverty – for lots of reasons – and so we also work to alleviate the effects of poverty whenever possible.
We are a not-for-profit organisation: A voluntary association with a Constitution and a Committee drawn from members who have experienced some of the issues which may have brought you here.
You can read our Constitution here
Our Committee meets regularly and supports Ellie who carries out much of our work alongside members who mentor others. Their role is to ensure the organisation does what it says it will and is supporting others in the best way possible. We also rely on feedback and input from members to shape what we do.
Everyone using the services is a member. We are all part of a community and respect one another for our diversity and different experiences.

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© 2020