I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship
Working with you
to change your life
I would love to work with you so please do contact me however you prefer to use this website.
I change the lives of women who are missing out on life, or have been hurt, or felt pain to overcome self -doubt, lack of self- esteem and uncover the deep obstacles preventing them from living the life they deserve. I can help you gain confidence and create a life your own.
This is why I call the programme EVOLVE.
I hope to hear from you soon, so that you can start your own journey of discovery – loving and living life.
Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?
If you were able to see your goals and dreams realised and you were living the best life – a life you loved?
If you can face the future with courage knowing anything is possible.
You can change your life and EVOLVE has the keys to unlock change and bring you a brilliant future.
Welcome to your Future
I help women find their way, make changes and release the confident, powerful woman within them. The EVOLVE framework is tailored for you and is the result of years of work.
EVOLVE works by giving you the tools and techniques to make change happen.
Whether self- esteem and confidence are rock bottom or hurt has left you anxious and afraid help is here. Life can be different.
Here is where we can start to change your life, to be the best you can be.
I learned from bitter experience what hurt can do to a woman. And how it feels when you are ‘stuck’ and cannot see a way forward.
You deserve to live a full life, and you can.
Welcome to becoming the new you.
Welcome to your future.
Evolve is an intensive and powerful framework for change EVOLVE can change your life. Join us in your own EVOLVE Journey to Empowerment, Wellbeing and Confidence With EVOLVE you learn to be who you want to be.
Why the EVOLVE framework is for you
My own experience was a painful journey and it was not until i found the tools to discover myself, to find me and gain the knowledge and techniques that i was able to live the life i desired, and to be the person i truly am. learned what held me back, and how thoughts, feelings and behaviours are so interlinked that we need to change our mindset to escape from a life where we are not living as our best self, and our best life - the one we deserve, bold, empowered and confident. We each have that woman within us, yet so often she is stifled by others and denied freedom.
In time I brought all my learning together, gained a qualification in Mindfulness along the way, and designed the Evolve framework I have also brought together a series of short guides and other tools to help you.
We can give you the tools, using EVOLVE, to make transformative changes to your life.
The EVOLVE framework is a complete system to help you know who you are, what you want to be, how you want to live and to give you the techniques and tools to achieve the life you desire.
On three levels we can help you build a fulfilled life; one where you are empowered to achieve your goals and dreams.
EVOLVE is flexible; depending on your circumstances and assessment you can join at any level to suit your needs.
We find most people join at level two (Confidence and Self Worth) but then often use elements from level one before moving to level three.
At its core is the acclaimed EVOLVE four-day programme, unique to ourselves and designed with years of knowledge and experience.
Alongside EVOLVE my blogs and guides will also to help you. You can choose to dip into these whenever you need and use them to make changes on your life.
What you will discover
Your negative beliefs and how to deal with them
How your conscious and sub-conscious mind works – and what you can change
How what you believe is so important
How confidence can be nurtured and grown, without years of therapy!
How decision -making works and what holds you back
How to build your self-esteem
How to identify your goals and how to work towards them
Tools such as self- talk, visualisation and affirmations to make changes
How to become the Empowered, Confident woman living the life you deserve
And more...
This is an intensive course. You will learn a lot and you will have your own toolkit for the future enabling you to Evolve to be what you want to be.
"Together we can make the changes that will unlock your goals, bring confidence, and give you the secrets to being able to love and live life."
Join us, and lets start to change
Let me bring clarity and understanding, get you unstuck and let’s work together for your life filled with joy and gratitude, a life you deserve.
If you decide to join a small and select group, we will be making changes quite quickly and dramatically, with peer support.
Our EVOLVE framework can take you through change at many levels and at the pace that is right for you.
If you prefer the privacy of one to one support, we will work at your pace, and I can guide you toward your new life.
And you can also work at your pace through my guides and online resources as a member.
Contact Us
© 2020